Where To Go In April 

With spring truly sprung and Easter dominating the start of the month, April is a fabulous time to take a trip – and you don’t have to head that far to find world-famous destinations coming to life. School holidays at the start of the month mean thousands of us will be flocking to exciting destinations. It’s equally tempting to either use the holidays to take a trip away, or for those who can, wait until they’re over before availing of the quieter period.

Whether you’re after floral explorations, culinary breaks or safari sojourns, April has the perfect destination for you. Here are our top picks of where to travel this month.

Naples, Italy

With nature coming back to life again, Italy’s foodie haven of Naples is a tempting place to go. In spring, restaurants make use of the new season of ingredients like artichokes, asparagus and leeks, so dig in to the freshly-made produce they’ll be serving. It’s also on the cusp of the year’s busier period, so an ideal time to visit the archaeological wonder of the world that is Pompeii – it’s just a 30-minute train ride away from Naples, so very doable in a day. In April, temps are just about hitting double figures so not at their the hottest, but you will get plenty of sunny days – so bring SPF and a jacket!

Madhya Pradesh, India

Known as the ‘Tiger state’, Madhya Pradesh is home to a fifth of all tigers in India, meaning there are few better places to catch a glimpse – and few better times than April. This is when Madhya Pradesh reaches the height of its dry spell. It means sizzling temperatures of 40C at midday, but it also means that rare animals venture out of their shelters to gather at watering holes, making them easier to spot if you know where to look. Try a sunrise safari at Bandhavgarh National Park, a 1,536 km² Tiger Reserve. As well as being famous for its tiger population, it has religious significance too: the park is named after its prominent hill fort, which is said to have been gifted by Lord Rama to his younger brother Lakshmana.

Riga, Latvia

School holidays at the start of April mean flights and accommodation then are pricier than usual. So if you want to head away, it’s worth considering a trip that’s at least easy on the wallet once you touch down – like Riga, the capital of Latvia. It’s full of Eastern European charm, with art nouveau architecture and a well-preserved old town – clamber up the viewing tower at St. Peters Church for a sweeping view of this historical centre. Best of all, it’s an extremely affordable destination – you can get decent accommodation for £50 a night and a pint for £3 without searching too hard.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

There’s never a bad time to visit the tourist hotspot of Amsterdam…except maybe the summer peak. But it’s a particularly excellent time to visit in April, where tulips ­– the unofficial emblem of the Netherlands – are in full bloom. The Amsterdam Tulip Festival runs all month and with it you can see pops of colour everywhere across the city, and pick up a flower at the central square of Grote Market. If you’ve already been and seen Amsterdam’s major draws like the canals, Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum, get a little more tulip action at the tulip fields in Bollenstreek (the ‘flower bulb region’). It’s just a 45-minute bus ride away from Amsterdam, but you’re transported into an area filled with defined rows and patterns of vibrantly coloured tulips – it really is a nature lover’s delight.

New Orleans, USA

There’s one main reason for making a beeline to the Louisianan city of New Orleans: their world-renowned parades. These involve spectacular floats snaking their way across the historical centre of the French city, while the costumed participants throw out beaded necklaces and sparkly things to the masses lined up along the pavements. While Mardi Gras is the biggest weekend of the year for this, Easter is the second biggest – which means it’s ever so slightly less crowded too.

Use the opportunity to catch as many necklaces as you can, before trying out some classic Southern cuisine like shrimp broil or po’boy sandwiches. It’s a party city so you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to nightlife, but it’s also crammed with a fascinating culture for those who like to make the most of their day. Lean about the Voodoo influence within the city (a cemetery tour is the best way to do this, and less morbid than it sounds) while the distinctive architecture of the city – from French colonial houses to antebellum mansions – is yet another unique draw.


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