How to keep your phone safe! Mobile theft trends in the UK (Infographic)
Ever had your phone stolen? Caught someone in the act? You’re not the only one!
With smartphone ownership on the rise, it’s no surprise that thieves constantly target our beloved gadgets. Now, we won’t go as far as saying you love your smartphone more than your pet, (don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone) but we’re pretty confident that you find yourself in a cold sweat each time you misplace your phone for more than 20 seconds. The number of us who eventually find it in a pocket we’d checked five times is probably very high, but it is also handy to be aware of how many of us don’t, and as our tech gets more and more advanced, we just can’t afford to keep replacing it.
As a result, we decided to share some important mobile theft stats via a handy little infographic. You will find some pretty shocking figures on this stuff, including where your phone is most likely to be stolen, which demographics are more at risk, and the sheer number of smartphone thefts in one year.
It’s not only smartphone theft we have to worry about, as identify theft is on the rise and a lot of people don’t take the necessary measures to ensure it doesn’t happen to them. Locking your phone down after a theft is really important when it comes to keeping your details safe; think about it, how much personal information do you have on that device? Not just an embarrassing selfie reel, you might have card details, passwords, email accounts, social media accounts or travel apps with passport information. We wouldn’t just share the scary stuff though, so we’ve also given you a rundown of the best ways to prevent theft and what to do if your smartphone has been stolen.
With all of that out the way, let’s get down to the knitty-gritty and explore the UK’s mobile theft trends in one swoop. Thieves, we’re staying one step ahead of you now!
While these tips may be great extra-measures, your first line of defence should be mobile insurance. This way, you can concentrate on locking things down should a theft happen, while resting safe in the knowledge that we’ve got the rest covered.
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